Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Crude and Obscene

Made it and posted in in deviantart. Click here to see my account

Imperfect, unpolished, unwanted
Is how we were when we first met
Almost dying, barely breathing
Liquor drenched lips, burning eyes.

By chance we met each other
reading each other's obscene thoughts
exchanging deranged ideas
exploring everything we could think of

Blood drenched souls, Dark schemes
Killing them in our dreams
The same passion, the same lust
We were once crude, but now we're only obscene. 

After ages of my writer's block, here's a poem that goes out for my soul-mate. I like how evil we can be, and yet understand each other. Like I said, you're the male version of me, and I'm the female version of you. Too bad you're on the other side of the world. For my :iconquietboy: How could I not miss you? 

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