Friday, August 22, 2008

What is Wrong with Me my Friend?

It's been ages since my last post, and my blog is beginning to rot. I couldn't get the drive to write for something substantial or catchy. I've been in this eternal drift wherein my creativity juice is totally depleted. It's been months, and it frustrates me a lot. I was able to write just about anything months ago. But it bothers me that I feel my whole life is crashing down, useless, boring and stagnant. Life for me has been tiring. the same old routine over and over again. It is as if my life has no meaning at all. I wasn't like this before. I had my writing life, but where is it all now? I have lost my drive to write. Ah, I really have become a frustrated writer and frustrated poet. I've used to write poems all the time, like it was something natural to do, but now I feel like it's a heavy task to handle. What's wrong with me my friend?

I've used to write long sentences, long paragraphs to the extent you'd get lazy to read all of my stuff since it's so long. I've used to write at my handy-dandy notebook and jot down everything I think of, I hear of, and feel. Where is that feeling? The feeling of not being able to write is incomplete, I have missed a part of me, or rather, something inside of me left. I have exhausted myself to the extent that I don't have any drive left leaving me bored all the time, unproductive and lazy.

What is wrong with me my friend?

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