Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcoming Entry

The fun has started, I've fixed my blogger and I'm to lazy to update it. Wanted to change the color scheme tho, but too lazy and can't think of any good combination. So what widgets and add-ons have I included in my secondary blog?
  • Adsense - Well, You'd be helping me if you click on em or digg them since this is what helps me to have my extra finances. I've only started tho, and it ain't that easy to have lots of impressions. It's frustration really. If I'd figure how to fix the donate panel, I'd put it up and dream of someone donating some to me. :p
  • YouTube - RSS'd my channel, funkydeath12. My mini clips and video logs. Just started, so it's still horrible. Trying to figure out how to save clips in Media Maker cause it won't work for me.
  • Twitter - Basically, it's a mini blog widget that can accommodate 170 characters. Mostly, you can see the "what-I'm-doing-right-now" and some of my updates. It's totally random.
  • My Plugoo - A super 3rd party instant messenger which is directly directed to my MSN messenger. It can receive and send instant messages via Plugoo to your IM. Live time performance.
So that's about it. But hey, I've forgot something, since this is my first blog in blogger, lemme introduce myself with the basics. My internet alias is Rara/rarachan. I name my pages/blogs JOIN RAZIEL'S SHAME. It's an anagram of my name. Well I won't give my real name out. You might see it in some of my pages, but I won't directly give my name out in here. Someone might track me down. ;p Well, I'm Asian, twas born last June 1988. Live in the Philippines. I'm not a turd or a retarded kid who goes to the internet just to open their Friendster/Myspace accounts or play an MMORPG. Actually I'm trying to build a life here. Well, the internet WAS my life, then months passed, it became my life again. I have found love and commitment in the internet, almost all of it. ALMOST. But at the moment, I'm happy with what I have now, Imagine love in the internet. Who would have thought It'd be real? To goo d to be real? Maybe, maybe not.

I'm currently pursuing the course Information technology. Planning to major in PHP/ I'm aspiring that one day I leave this country and hopefully have a nice abroad. Top 3 countries that I've been planning to go to is Canada, USA, Europe. Europe is the best place to go to. Imagine, Rome, Italy, London, Holland, Holland and Holland! :o

I'm pretty much tired of my daily routines. Sleep at 4AM, wake up at 10AM leave at 12noon to go to school, go home at 9PM, then the remaining time is for my internet time. Usually I watch anime series, update my blogs, my layouts and my profiles. Sometimes I need to break the habit. Well.. I do.. sometimes.. wasting countless hours drinking which is fun. lal I'm not an alcoholic tho, I do it for the sake of companionship. =D

I'm a terrible story teller, isn't it obvious? I stammer a lot, I'm too conscious, but have a loud-mouth. At some times I just don't give a damn, I'm the post-modern conservative type of person. :3 I love chocolates, I love coffee and chocolates. My room smells like coffee. Wanna smell? Then cmere. =D

I usually don't remember the stuff I say in my blogs, so when I read them, I'm quite embarrassed. I'm like, "OMG, I can't believe I've said that!:o" Another thing is I'm very incoherent! Sucks to be me, really.

I'm a music lover, you can see what type of music I like in my blogger's complete profile. I'm also a musician, a pianist and a bassist. *RANDOM THOUGHTS* Loving music as a music lover is not just sticking to your own preferred genre, but it's also extending your ears to other genre and appreciating them. *END OF RANDOM THOUGHTS*

So well, that's about it. There's still lot of things to say but I just can't recall them.

For more of my non-personal blog please link to:


Anonymous said...

weeee...welcome!!! haha....

i clicked on your adsense... ^_^ what's up?

Anonymous said...

Meh,I wanna be a co-authir on yer blog too. But I have some of my demands. I'll wait for you to go online. ^_^